60 Minutes Circle

Updated: Feb 16

The 60 Minutes Circle is inspired by the main program of 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project itself. Following the Circle as our main program, we do believe that we can enhance our effort by having another unique approach.

The 60 Minutes Circle aims to gather religious leaders and scholars of each Abrahamic faith at our Headquarter office to have a fruitful discussion and bonding time for only an hour. It would be interesting to see the three participants with their own religious background having a conversation at a grassroots level regarding interfaith peace building efforts and current social issues involving the interfaith communities in a short period of time.


The interfaith dialogues should not be exclusionary for high-level discussions, yet it is essential to have more grassroots involvement. Therefore, we propose The 60 Minutes Circle as an alternative to the traditional interfaith dialogue models that will only take 60 minutes to get to know each other’s beliefs better.


The 60 Minutes Circle members will be casually sitting together while given some questions about interfaith-related issues that need to be addressed, based on each other’s perspective towards the emerging interfaith issues in their communities. The questions will be shown in the prompter and each of the questions has to be answered in 5 minutes.

There will be 10 questions in total for one production of 60 Minutes Circles. At the beginning of the dialogue, the three Abrahamic leaders and/or scholars will also have a short ice breaking session as their first bonding activity. Through all of the questions and activities given, the 60 Minutes Circle members are encouraged to have an exchange of religious insights as their effort in building good friendships and better understanding about each other’s viewpoints.