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The Creative Competition 2024 | Video Competition

Video Competition on Religious Freedom and Interfaith Harmony 2024

The 1000 Abrahamic Circles Creative Competition 2024 opened its submission portal from 23 January 2024 to 3 March 2024. During that period, we received a total of 33 entries from High School students and 33 entries from University students across Indonesia. In total, we received 66 submissions. The submissions were remarkably diversified, coming from various regions, including Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. High school students from 23 different cities participated, while University students contributed from 18 different cities. Students from 32 High Schools and 24 Universities took part in the competition.

The registration range of The 1000 Abrahamic Circles Creative Competition 2024 was not as much compared to the previous writing competition, but the participants succeeded in sharing their viewpoints, perspectives, opinions, and experiences related to tolerance and religious freedom through videos in a creative and unique way in various forms such as vlogs, animations, interviews, music videos to short films. The participants managed to explain religious freedom and interfaith harmony with a stunning audio and visual approach so that the content they created could be more enjoyed by the general public.

The participants' understanding of tolerance and religious freedom was at a very good level, some participants managed to describe the state of tolerance in Indonesia at the right level, without forgetting to explain the problems that occur at the grassroots today. The same also applies to the understanding of religious freedom, the participants can explain the definition of religious freedom adopted by Indonesia and compare it with the definition of religious freedom in Western countries, they also have the courage to criticize the implementation of religious freedom in Indonesia and provide their analysis of some problems that arise in the grassroots regarding the religious freedom.


Winners Video

  • 1st Winner (High School Category) - Shereen Malevani Zahra, 17 years old

  • 1st Winner (Univeristy Category) - Nurpatria Krisna, 23 years old



“This competition opened up opportunities for the younger generation to be able to voice peace and create dialogue through interfaith harmony. In the midst of global conditions full of conflict, hatred, and negative speculation about religion, the younger generation played a leading role in dialogue about the beauty of diversity. Because in the end, we were the younger generation who would maintain and enjoy the impact of peace, and this competition provided that space.”

Roybafihi Adam Muharram, 24 years old, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

I was deeply honored to have secured third place in the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Creative Video Competition 2024. It was my hope that my video shed light on religious moderation in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Bali, embodying the spirit of diversity encapsulated in the national motto, Bhineka Tunggal Ika ('Unity in Diversity'). I firmly believe that Indonesia could serve as a genuine example of harmony amidst diversity, from Sabang to Merauke.

Vincencia Marcella, 16 years old, SMAK Soverdi Tuban

"Thank you for the great opportunity to be part of the 1000 Abrahamic Creative Competition and for giving us the chance to express our views about the interfaith community in Indonesia. I learned a lot from other participants, especially those in the High School category. It was nice to see the younger generation already making great impacts through their voices. However, I couldn't help but be bothered by the fact that we weren't informed enough that we could use Bahasa instead of English, and why the winner of an English essay video competition is a rap music video in Bahasa. Nonetheless, this competition had a great concept, and I look forward to future events. Carpe diem!"

Mohamad Ericson Al Akbar Y., 23 years old, Universitas Indonesia

"By participating in the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Creative Competition as a platform for the work of novice videographers from various regions, I gained new insights and made new friends. The awarding event was enjoyable, friendly, and harmonious. Raising the theme of Religious Freedom and Inter-Religious Harmony lays a strong foundation for coexistence and social interaction."

Nurpatria Krisna, 23 years old, Akademi Komunikasi Radya Binatama Yogyakarta

"It started with an Instagram post that resonated with my passion for videography. Intrigued by its rare and interesting topic, I decided to participate. With meticulous planning and collaboration, I created a video that showcased Indonesia's diverse faiths, emphasizing the beauty of coexistence and mutual respect. Winning the competition not only validated my dedication but also served as a reminder of the importance of promoting tolerance and respect, particularly in upholding the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” or “Unity in Diversity”."

Putu Dheva Winda Angelia, 17 years old, SMAK Santo Yoseph Denpasar

"This competition was truly extraordinary because it allowed me to express the importance of respecting fellow believers. It also provided many new experiences for me to convey narratives through works of art. Finally, I would like to thank the organizers of the competition, namely the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project. Hopefully, it will continue to be a forum for Indonesian students to develop their potential. The Video Competition section is an event held to showcase students' creativity in finding ideas or concepts on issues related to religion, with a focus on Religious Freedom and Interfaith Harmony."

Rani Wulandari, 16 years old, MAN 1 Muaro Jambi

"This competition was truly extraordinary. It provided me with the opportunity to express the importance of respecting fellow believers, something that is very dear to me. Through my videography, I was able to unleash my creativity, which was a new and exciting experience. I am immensely grateful to the organizers of the competition, namely the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project. This competition has served as a platform for Indonesian students to develop their potential, and I feel honored to have been a part of it. Throughout the competition, I had the pleasure of meeting amazing individuals and gained valuable insights into religious harmony. I am deeply grateful for this experience and sincerely hope that the competition will continue to serve as a platform for Indonesian students to express themselves and learn about the importance of respecting fellow believers."

Shereen Malevani Zahra, 17 years old, Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro


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