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The Dance of the Judge and the Suffer: A Bleeding Symphony for Freedom

Before thou dost peruse this text, I beseech thee to bear to remember that "when one person's faith becomes their justification to infringe upon another's rights, true religious freedom suffers."

Verily, religious freedom extends beyond mere belief—an essence where every soul may find solace to practice faith, free from fear. Dost thou not agree with such a notion?

Religious freedom, entangled within societal norms and the play of politics, pledges freedom of belief and practice, yet often entwined in the clashes of diverse interests and powers. Such a concept doth promise much but finds itself ensnared within the coils of conflicting agendas.

What of interfaith harmony, then? In darker tones, 'tis a fragile peace among beliefs, teeming with old grievances, smoldering tensions, and the specter of extremism. 'Tis a struggle against mistrust, where harmony seems fleeting as a flickering flame in the wind's gust.

Yet amidst this darkness, a glimmer shines—a yearning for inclusivity and respect for varied beliefs. 'Tis a plea to dismantle the barriers hindering religious freedom's full embrace. 'Tis a dream for souls to practice faith— or not—sans fear or reproach.

In achieving religious freedom, many problems come from simple things. For example, someone is reluctant to appear diligent in worshiping just because he fears the judgment of the people around him. This encourages people's closed nature. I have a friend who no longer wants to go to church because he was reprimanded and embarrassed because he accompanied a song incorrectly. My friend was very devastated and reluctant to return to church.

I have tried avoiding praying daily because I listen too much to what people say. An exaggerated compliment often comes to me, stating, "Ow, he is a saint!"; "Wow, he is very diligent and religious." The worst thing is when someone says with a little chuckle, "Why haven't you prayed today? You received a scholarship abroad, so you won't pray anymore, right?

A sentence that seems simple but is enough to cause pain. These things often encourage someone to dare no longer to be open about their spiritual life. Today's society is too forced to choose between diligently carrying out their worship with the label of "holy person" or being a person who avoids opening up their spiritual life and getting the title of "a person who is far from religion." This is not an exaggeration because this is real and often becomes an iron rod for people.

Facing this condition, when freedom is limited, and harmony is described as an obstacle rather than a situation, there is only one word for them. "Patience"... We as humans will never know what the people around us might face. An individual must also be able to believe that the 'love' between their faith and their relationship with God will never be or can be restricted by other individuals.

To respond to this challenge, I also invite the public to uphold the "Bela Rasa" or "Empathic Advocacy" spirit as an additional point in intellectual treasure in society. Intellectual treasure is a form of intellect used to solve a problem. This comes from old Western civilization, consisting of the ability 'to reason' and 'to will.' However, we must embrace new intellectual treasure that involves "feel" or "rasa" (the ability to feel or care).

This word is an Indonesian word that I defined and was inspired by the Archdiocese of Jakarta. "Bela Rasa" is a unique term that may not be found in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) now. However, if we want to understand the meaning, we can easily find it through fragments of the term. “Bela” or "defend" is the basic word for a defensive attitude towards something, and "rasa" or “feel” refers to a heart's response to something. Therefore, it can be found that "Bela Rasa" can be interpreted as an attitude of showing empathy and caring for others. "Bela Rasa" can be likened to the word "empathetic advocacy." It entails a disposition to empathize profoundly and advocate for others, reflecting a heartfelt response to their needs or concerns. The term encapsulates the idea of feeling for someone and actively championing their cause or well-being.

Empathetic advocacy is the active pursuit of justice and rights, not merely a passive comprehension. The youths take on a critical role as activists for religious liberty. Their fervour, dynamism, and steadfast faith in equity enable them to confront prejudice, speak out against discrimination, and elevate the voices of people whose liberties are restricted. They become change agents by means of coordinated campaigns, online activism, and neighbourhood projects, working to remove obstacles that impede religious freedom.

Armed with the spirit of "Bela Rasa," the young serve as steadfast pillars of support in communities where religious divisions have caused division. They accept the duty to start conversations, promote understanding between people, and cross barriers that stand in the way of peaceful coexistence. They clear the path by fostering environments that welcome polite conversations, cross-cultural interactions, and cooperative endeavours.

So as the essay's journey continues, its conclusion relies in the realm of possibility, awaiting the reader's to sculpt these thoughts into a real masterpiece. 

To kindle hope's flame, I hope this poem plays its part.

"They, the farmers of freedom's fields,

Planting light and reaping shimmering yield.

The shine arrives from justifying shields,

Locking thoughts away, an unseen ordeal.

Within these bars, I wonder and I muse,

How much time remains for us?

If the aged depart and temples crumble loose,

Then the young must seek, never to refuse.

If hearts still carry prideful airs,

Chained by ancient thoughts that never wane,

Don't hope for freedom free from suffer and bleed,

Let simple love blossom, a tale quite plain.

"In these confines, let wisdom’s tune be near,

As youth dances for freedom, casting off fear.


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