World Tolerance Day:
Examining Minority Perspectives on Religious Freedom in Indonesia
This discussion was held on Thursday, November 16th 2023
Pdt. Florian M. P. Simatupang, Ph.D
Lead Pastor at Christ the King Church
Bhikkhu Dhammavuddho
Chairman of Keluarga Cendekiawan Buddhis Indonesia (KCBI)
Audric Rizki
Director of 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project
Harkirtan Kaur
Interfaith Activist
Ahmad Fathoni A.
Project and Research Officer of 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project
The voice of minorities in the social life of religion is very important, their opinions and thoughts on the development of religious life is one of the biggest factors in realizing peaceful coexistence between religious communities. This public discussion aims to be a constructive space for minorities to express their opinions, stories and challenges in practicing worship and religious life in Indonesia, as well as hopes and lessons for religious life in Indonesia in the future.
Language: Indonesia
Total Participants: 120 participants