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A Rose and A Thousand Orchids

In a field of orchids, a rose stood alone,

Could it survive, or be left on its own?

Orchids, so many, in their own little space,

Would the rose find its spot, in this flowery place?

The rose might wither, with orchids unkind,

Not giving space, a problem we find.

Or perhaps, the rose, in a home not its own,

Struggles to thrive, feeling all alone.

Among a thousand roses, orchids do dwell,

Six souls standing, each with a story to tell.

Different footsteps, in a sacred dance,

Where faith and hope find their chance.

Yet, in their differences, a misstep may cry,

A mother's joy or a tear in her eye.

Simple it seems, like sun and soil's plea,

In a sea of orchids, let the rose be free.


The poem metaphorically explores the themes of diversity and interfaith harmony through the imagery of roses and orchids. The rose represents one particular faith or identity, while the orchids symbolize diverse beliefs or backgrounds.

The verses describe the challenges and potential solutions in a setting where different flowers coexist. It touches on the idea that for harmony to prevail, there needs to be a mutual respect and willingness to share space. The orchids, akin to diverse communities, must make room for the unique qualities of the rose, and vice versa.

The six souls standing in the poem represent six religions in Indonesia, each with their own beliefs and stories. The notion of missteps and a mother's emotions emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting differences to maintain a harmonious coexistence.

In essence, the poem encourages embracing diversity, fostering interfaith understanding, and creating a space where different beliefs can thrive together, much like the coexistence of roses and orchids in a garden.


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